
Friday 25 May 2018


Find a song you like and post why you like it?

The song I picked is from Sons of Zion it is NewZealand group.I picked this song because I like the beat a rhythm and how calm the music is
This is a link below for the song.

Tuesday 15 May 2018

Word Vomit

Task: To write a paragraph about the picture beside the text.

 As I started to look into a window seeing my wrinkles on my face. Remembering what the world was like when I was younger, It was calm and nobody was hurt emotionally and physically. As I started to cry. Disgusting people throwing rubbish at me like it was nothing. I realised that at this time things won't change nor will people my last wish was hoping that people will get somewhere in the world in time.

Monday 14 May 2018

Home Ecnomics

Explanation about the picture?
This Diagram besides us is about how the glucose is affected over time. The glycemic index is a value assigned to foods based on how slowly or how quickly those foods cause increases in blood glucose levels. The rise in blood glucose levels is determined by the number of carbohydrates.

Friday 11 May 2018

Science Experiment

The Dropping Pins Experiment

Aim: To observe conduction along a metal rod.

Equipment: A metal rod, Retort stand and clamp, bunsen burner, petroleum jelly, 5-10 drawing pins, a stopwatch.

1. Set up and light a bunsen burner.
2. Smear a small amount of petroleum jelly on to the head of each drawing pin.
3. Attach the drawing pins at even intervals along the length of the metal rod.
4. Clamp one end of the metal rod to a retort stand.
5. Position the retort stand so the unclamped end of the metal rod is in the Bunsen flame and start the stopwatch.
6. Record the time it takes for each pin to drop in the table below.

Observations: I watched as the pins starting falling slower and slower.

Explanation:The heat from the bunsen burner transfers the heat down the metal rod making the particals Vibrating.

Pin Number         Times to drop
         1                      18 Seconds
         2                      44 Seconds
         3                      1.25 Minutes
         4                      2.04 Minutes
         5                      3.54 minutes

Thursday 10 May 2018

Social Studies

Social Studies
In Social Studies we have been studying government here is some information about a type of Government.

Wednesday 9 May 2018

Task two for Music


Task Two: Maori Music for a Modern Audience
By now you have probably encountered traditional styles of Maori music and instruments such as Kapa Haka, however, Maori artists are as current in their performances as any other culture. 

Click the link below
What style of music is this/ who performs it/ what inspired them to write it?
I would say that this is like pop music just in Te reo. They write the song so everyone knows that it connects with everyone. Maimoa is a group of Maori descent who sings a song and write them together.
What did you like about the music?
Personally, I like the song because it sang a te reo. I think most people like it because of how catchy the song is.
What did you like about the video?
I like how the video was plain and then they added colour I like how they looked like they were having fun.

Tuesday 8 May 2018

Science Experiment

The Imploding can

Aim: To observe contraction in gases

Equipment: Aluminum can, Scissors tongs, Bunsen burner, heatproof mat, tripod, gauze mat, an open container of water.


1.Set up bunsen burner underneath a tripod and gauze mat
2. Pour approximately 50-60 ml of water into your can it should be no more than 1/4 full.
3. Heat the can of water until steam is seen escaping from the top.
4. Carefully grip the can with scissors tongsEnsure you have a firm hold of the can before lifting it off the gauze mat.
5.  Quickly, but very carefully, invert the can as you plunge it into a container of water.

Observation: As we put the heated can into the water upside down. It made a big bang as soon as it hit the water. But as it hit the water it scrunched up like somebody had stomped on it or like somebody scrunching a piece of paper.

Friday 4 May 2018

Science Experiment

Observing Convetion 1

Aim: To observe convention in a liquid

Equipment:200ml beaker, Water, Tweezers, A crystal of potassium permanganate, A drinking straw, Bunsen burner, heat maty, Tripod and gauze mat.

1.Set up a bunsen burner on a heatproof mat.Put the gauze mat on the tripod but leave it just to one side of the bunsen burner.
2.Fill a 200 ml beaker with 150 ml cold water.
3.Place the beaker on top of the tripod and gauze and allow it to settle for a few minutes.
4.Carefully insert a drinking straw down one side of the beaker, ensuring the straw is touching the bottom of the beaker.Be care full as you do not want to disturb the water too much.
5.Using tweezers, drop a crystal of potassium permanganate down the inside of the straw. Wait for the crystal to settle on the bottom.
6. Very gently, So to not disturb the water, Remove the straw.
7.Light the bunsen burner slide it under the tripod so that you are only heating the outside of the beaker where the crystal, Observe.

Observation: At first when I put the crystal in I noticed that the color started spreading through the water as the heat started to make the chemicals darker (crystals).

Thursday 3 May 2018

Observing Convention

Aim: To observe convention in a gas.

Equipment: Scissors, Paper spiral pattern, String, Sorce of heat.

1.Cut out the spiral pattern below, Carefully following the dashed line.
2.Tie a length of cotton through the hole on the top of the spiral.
3.Hold the spiral 30-40  cm above the hole on the top of the spiral.

Observation: I watched as the spiral went around and around with the heat of the flame from the gas.

Wednesday 2 May 2018

Music Task

 Task One: What is Matariki?
Research some of the history, traditions, and celebrations around Matariki. Create a piktochart infographic to share
 what you’ve discovered.

What is Matariki?
Matariki is the Maori name for a group of seven stars known as the Pleiades star cluster.
Some people think of Matariki as a mother star with six daughters, and it is often referred to as the Seven Sisters.I believe that they were sister many people believe different stories I was always bought up with the story above.

When is Matariki celebrated?
Matariki is celebrated in mid-June

Who celebrates Matariki?
Matariki is a New zealand event that is celebrated by Maori culture for the new year they used the starts as a compass when they explored over to New Zealand.

Do the stars have names?
If you're wondering if they have names yes they do, Matariki, Uru a rangi, Waita, Waiti, Waipuna a rangi, Tupu a rangi and Tupu a Nuku Those are the seven stars a fun fact is that Waita and Waiti are believed to be twins.

Tuesday 1 May 2018

Science Experiment

The Behaviour of matter

Aim: To observe diffusion in a liquid

Equipment: Petri dish, water, Tweezers, a crystal of potassium.

1.Half fill petri dish with cold tap water
2.Place the petri dish on your workbench and allow the water to become settle
3.Using the tweezers, Place a single crystal of potassium permanganate in the center of the petri dish.
4.Observe for 5 Minutes
5.Repeat the experiment using hot water

Hot water: At first when the colour was going out it made like a flower shape as it started to get to the last minute it went everywhere.
Cold water: I  noticed that the color when out light when we put the pigment in the middle the contrast was darker in the middle then the other colour.