
Friday 19 October 2018

Animal vs Plant cells

Animal vs Plant cells

3 Parts Of An Animal Cell

Organelles: Organelles are the internal organs of a cell responsible for carrying out specific jobs to keep the cell alive.  In fact, the word organelle is just a big word which means a small organ. These organelles are responsible for providing all the needs of the cell. They work to bring in food supplies, get rid of waste, protect the cell, repair the cell, and help it grow or reproduce.

Ribosomes: Are defined as tiny molecules in cells that help the cell make proteins, Making proteins is one of the most important jobs in a cell.  In fact, ribosomes are found in every kind of cell, including animal cells and plant cells.

Vacuole: A vacuole is an organelle in plant cells used to store food and water.   It is used in many daily functions of the plant cell, such as helping strengthen the cell wall.  The size of the vacuole is important to the function of the cell.  If it increases in size then the cell will also increase in size.

6 Parts Of A Plant Cell

Plasmodesmata: Plasmodesmata can only be found in plant cells.  They act like bridges helping plant cells communicate and share with one another.  Plasmodesmata allow molecules and substances to move from plant cell to plant cell.

Vesicles: Vesicles are bubble-like organelles that are made of a membrane and are full of fluid.  Vesicles have a lot of important jobs in the cell.  In some ways, they are like the trucks that carry food and supplies across the country.

Chloroplast: The chloroplast organelle is the main food producer for plant cells.  Chloroplast contains chlorophyll, which is a molecule that uses light energy to turn water and carbon dioxide into sugar and oxygen (also known as photosynthesis).

Cytoskeleton: The cytoskeleton is the network of fibers that organize and structure organelles within the cell. Its primary job is to give structural support to organelles. It also helps move substances within the cell. Its main components are microfilaments, intermediate filaments, and microtubules.

Cell Wall: The cell wall is the main protection barrier that surrounds a plant cell.  It is built mostly of cellulose fibers which provide the structure and support of the cell wall.  Cell walls are thick and are able to bond together to provide plants structure.

Lysosomes: Lysosomes are the cell’s digestive system. They take complex nutrients from inside the cell and break them down to be used for energy. They play a vital role in maintaining the cell and keeping it healthy.

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