
Thursday 21 March 2019


Sonia Terk Delaunay 

Born: 14 November 1885, Hradyzk, Ukraine

Died: 5 December 1979, Paris, France

Work: Artist

Two Facts about Sonia Terk Delaunay

1. She spoke four languages:
Near the time she was 18 she spoke Russian, French, German and English.

2. She didn't like Matisse or Picasso
According to the artist, Matisse was 'too weak, too bourgeois' and Picasso 'always looked unhealthy'.

A minor Cubist art movement focusing on pure abstraction and bright colors.

Michael Mew

What I Have Been Learning?
For the past couple of weeks, our art class have been focusing on Michael mew work and learning about the techniques he used such as the focal point, Leading lines, Colors, and textures all into one piece of art he would create.

What I Have Been Doing?
For the last week or so we have been creating our own piece of art using the techniques Michael mew used. Next to this text is my piece of art I created, I used the Mohua bird as my focal point and used green lines as my leading line as you can see I also added a light in the top right to bring the art together than in the background I used blue and brown because it went with my leading lines.

Why Use The Mohua bird?
I used the Mohua bird because I think it is a beautiful bird that should be shown more in artworks.

Monday 11 March 2019

How to draw a DNA Molecule

Note: You could also use my steps on the right of my drawing for a simple version of how to draw a DNA molecule.

Equitment:Pencil, paper and colouring pencils

Aim: To draw a simple and easy DNA molecule.

1. Draw one swirly line doing as many as 3-6 turns Than outline the swirly line.

2. Repeat the first step, Just opposite the first step of lines.

3. In between the opposing lines in the circles draw 3-5 lines so basically 6-12 because you want it to me opposite lines.

4. Then in the in-between lines add a little | so it makes to little boxes.

5. Then fill the lines in step 1 and 2 with blue.

6. In the inner lines or boxes in step 3 and 4,  In every second line color green in the left side and yellow on the right till you have done every second line.

7. Do the same as step six just color the ones that you have not colored
in with red on the left side and orange on the right, And there you are a simple and easy DNA molecule.

Observation: While drawing the DNA molecule  I found it better to use color as it adds to the drawing and really makes it pop.

Conclusion: It is just a simple and easy drawing of a DNA model, And I think looks pretty good.

The video I used to draw my DNA molecule link below

An easy step you could do is :
Not add color and just use the first four steps.
You could also just follow the steps of my piece of paper which I drew on.

What I could do to make it better next time?
1. Add a diagram to show what everything means
2. Try different drawings of DNA molecule using different sites
3. Try a 3d drawing
4. Video me drawing it


What is DNA and What is it make of?: Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), Is made up of repetitive units called nucleotides. DNA  is the same in all living things and can be known as a double helix which is described to look like a twisted ladder. Nucleotides are compromised of sugar and phosphate, These sides are linked up by chemicals called nucleotides bases.  The bases are made up of adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C) and guanine (G) These make pairs of 2 that always go together with A and T and C and G.

What does DNA do?: DNA carries the instructions needed for an organism/offspring to grow, survive and reproduce. To carry out these functions, DNA arrays must be transformed into messages that can be used to produce proteins, which are the complicated molecules that do most of the work in our bodies.

Who discovered DNA?: In the late 1800s, DNA was recognized first by a biochemist named Frederich Miescher. Almost a century later researchers identified the structure of DNA and obtained its central relevance to biology.

What is the DNA double helix?: Scientist uses the term "double helix" to describe DNA's winding, two-stranded chemical structure. This shape - which looks much like a twisted ladder - gives DNA the power to pass along biological instructions with great precision.

If you unraveled all the DNA molecules in your body and placed them end to end, it would stretch to the Sun and back several times.

DNA is organized into structures called chromosomes within the cell.

DNA and RNA are the two types of nucleic acids the code for genetic information.

Wednesday 6 March 2019

Supergirl Paragraph

A message from Supergirl, Welcome to Earth is that you shouldn't always judge someone by the way you were raised to think. This is because the way you were raised to think can play games with your mind and judge people too quickly without actually knowing them. We saw this in the scene where Supergirl was talking to Mon-el because she believes he was the one to attack the president and wants to kill the president because he was from a planet called Dexcom (which is her planet enemy) where there were people who are above others. Since he was the prince of that planet she thought he wanted to take over eath but in the end, it was not him. This is why I think it is important to not judge someone so quickly and actually hear there side of the story.

History on slavery

Last week we had a task to complete a slideshow including information about spirituals, Underground Railroad and Harriet Tubman if you would like to see the slide show click the link below.

What I could do next time to make my slideshow better?
I could add more information or decorate the slideshow better.

Link To Slideshow Below