
Monday 23 September 2019

Marshmellow Catapult

 Aim: To make a catapult that will work.

What we want to happen: 
  • We want to be able to make a catapult
  • Calculate the speed it is flying at
  • Have a competition who can make the best one
  • Whos can go the farthest and fastest
  • Who can catch the most marshmallows
It will create 1 catapult 
  • Popsicle sticks-10ish
  • Rubber bands- 5ish
  • Plastic bottle cap-1
  • Something to catapult-We used marshmallows
  • Hot glue
  • Plastic cups-4

Marshmallow (Amount)
Test 1
Test 2
2m 28cm
2m 11cm
1m 71cm
1m 22cm
1m 40cm
1m 23cm
Test 1: In this chart off test one you will be able to observe the blue line which outlines how many marshmallows are used, whereas the red line signifies the distance of how far the marshmallows have gone. Considering you can see from this chart the distance of the marshmallow drops as the number of marshmallow increases.

Test 2: In this 2nd chart you will see the blue line which basically outlines how many marshmallows have been used, whereas the red line is the distance of how far the marshmallows went, You can see from this chart the distance of the marshmallows will decrease as the number of marshmallow increases. However, unlike test 1 the distance has decreased faster and stays at the same distance for a while but right at the end, it goes up a bit.

Pictures of the experiment:

Friday 6 September 2019

English speech reflection

In my speech I spoke about the thoughts I had during a time somebody compliments me, And why I dont beileve them.I was really proud of myself because the speach was from the heart and really personal to me.One of my hardest challenges during the speech were that I was very nervous about preforming my speech but once I started I became more confident and flew through it.Next time I would slow down my speech and maybe make it a bit longer so it would fit into the time limit.