
Monday 12 February 2018

Merchant of Venice

Merchant of Venice

What I think will happen?
I think that that this book will have a lot of ups and downs and that the guy will have to give the pound of flesh in And that the lady who dressed up as a man will get caught.

Something I am interested in/Wondering about after I watched the video?
After watching this video I was wondering what happened to Sherlock daughter and the Christian guy she ran away with.And I would also like to know what really happened with Antonio boats.  

Something I think will be challenging about shake spare and how I will overcome it?  
Something I think will be challenging in this story is reading and understanding the words from the book.I think ill be able to overcome understanding the words it says by reading it more and understand what the meaning of the words they say.

A short clip of the story is down below to make sure to click the link !!!!


Act One Scene 1
1)Antonio is depressed without knowing why.What two possible reasons do his friends suggest?
Firstly because his ships are at sea and they might of sunken.
Secondly, his friends think that Anotonia is in love.

2)Do you think Gratianos contributions helps Antonio mood?

I don't think that he helps Antonio because he keeps nagging and talking about how the ships might off sunken at sea which might be true or false.

3/4)What is your first impression of Bassanio/Is he in love?

I think that Bassanio is in love with Portia but feels like he will not be able to get her and is a really poor person.

5)Why does he need to borrow money again now?

 Because he is in love with Portia.And wants to buy her a ring.To Marry her.

14/02/16 Act One Scene 2

1)How do Portia first words compare with Antonios?
That they are both sad.

2)What is the reason for Portia's mood?

She is in a sad mood because she is to be married to someone she does not love or care for.She also does not like one of them physically and emotionally.

3)Do I think Nerrisa is a help to Portia?

Honestly, I do because she is helping Portia narrowing it down to a couple of people to see who Poria actually has an interest in.

4)Sum up, in a word or short phrase for Portia mood towards her suitors?

She does not Like any of them and thinks they aren't good enough.


Act One Scene 3
1)Shylock is a money loner.Does he seem eager to do business with Bassionio? How do you know?
Nope, Shylock does not seem eager to do business with Bassionio because Bassanio does not have a job to pay back the money in time.Including the Intrest.

2)Which business does Shylock think is safe his or Antonios?

I don't really know because Shylock business isn't going good because.Antonio has more clients because he has does not have intreated on the money he loans.But Shylock business is also better because he gets more money back but is failing because he does not get as many clients.

3)Why doesn't  Shylock want to dine with Antonio and Bassanio?

Because they have different cultural beliefs. 

4)What strict principle of his is Antonio breaking to help Bassanio?

Antonio is paying back Shylock with the interest on it.

5)Shylock tells a bible story to Antonio does it convince him or not? 

Yes well kinda because he gets where he's coming from but still does not agree

6)Shylock accuses Antonio of the whole catalog of nastiness.How does Antonio answer the charges?

By convincing him

7)How does Bassionio react to the proposed bond?

He agrees


Act 2 Scene 1

1)We have watched racial and religious tension at work in A1S3.The Prince of Morocco opens A2S1 with another sensitive issue.What is it?

Racism is a big part of act 2 scene 1.As they talk about why he is dark skinned.And does not have as rich blood as though who are light skinned.

2)If Antonio loses his gamble, He must forfeit a pound of flesh.What must Portia suiter give up if they fail to win her?

They must never marry again if they love her as much as they say.
3)Shylock practices 'Usury'.What is it?

When they lend money and ask you for more interest.

4)Why do shylock and Antonio hate each other?

Their religion, culture, and shylock do not like the fact that when he gives the money he does not ask for it back.

5)What is Portia opinion of the prince of Morroco give examples?

Nothing because she is very fair to everyone.


Act one, Scene two

1.Why does Launcelot want to leave Shylock? Give evidence from the text to support your thinking.
Because shylock starves his maids and Antonio give new uniforms to his servants and feeds them.

2.Why is Bassanio worried about taking Gratiano with him to Belmont.

Because he is known as a player because he will drink and get with a lot of girls.
3.Launcelot and his father are very anxious to find Launcelot a new job. They both want to impress Bassanio. This leads to a 1. frequent interruptions,2. contradictions,3. misuse of words to impress.  find examples of each of these in the text.
Firstly they interrupt each other secondly mumble when they start to ask and thirdly they kept holding on what they were tryna say.

Act one, Scene three

1.What does Jessica think of her life at home? Give evidence from the text to support your thinking?

That its hell living in the home she lives, as that as what she said.

2.Which of Bassanio’s friends is Jessica planning to marry?

She's planning to marry Lorenzo And become a Christian.

Act one, Scene four 

1)How does Jessica get a message to her lover?

By sending a letter through Launcelot.

2)How will she be disguised for the elopement?

She gonna dress up like a servant

Act Two, Scene Five

1)Why is Shylock uneasy about going out for the evening? Give evidence from the text to support your thinking?

Because they are Christian and he thinks that it's a bad thing as he had a bleeding nose on Easter Monday.

Act Two, Scene Six

1)How does Launcelot manage to tell Jessica that Lorenzo will be there that evening?

By coming and inviting shylock to the dinner.

2)What does Jessica throw down to Lorenzo?

She throws a box to Lorenzo.

3)Why is Antonio looking for Gratiano?
  Because their friends are waiting for him.


Act Two, Scene Seven

1.Which casket does the Prince of Morocco think is worthy to contain Portia’s portrait. Use evidence of the text to justify your answer.

“Who chooseth me shall gain what many men desire.”He thought since it said, “Who chooseth me shall gain what many men desire.” That the picture would be in their because heaps of people would die to see her.

2.How is Portia feeling in A2S7 -at the beginning, -while the Prince is making his choice, at the end

She sounded like she was fine but then when it finished she turn really racist I may say.

3.What was Portia's father trying to achieve by the use of the caskets? Does this seem to be working?
He is trying to get her a husband and I have no idea if it is working or not.

Act Two, Scene Eight

1. What double disaster has struck Shylock?

Portia had stolen his stones also Portia left while he was gone for dinner.

2.Where did Shylock think Lorenzo & Jessica might be?

In the gondola sailing away.

3.How did Bassanio and Antonio part?

Bassionio went on the boat with Grationio.And they had a good hand shale

4.What is the first suggestion of trouble for Antonio? Find a quote that tells you this?

I reasoned with a Frenchman yesterday, Who told me, in the narrow seas that part
The French and English there miscarried A vessel of our country richly fraught.
Because Salonio talked to a French man that said there were a few ships at sea that flipped over


Act Two, Scene Nine

1.What is the purpose of the rhymes in the caskets?
To make them feel like idiots for losing .

2.Why does the Prince of Arragon discard the golden caskets? What does his interpretation of the inscription tell us about his character?

Because he thinks the foolish for picking what it says.

3.What is Portia’s reaction to Bassanio’s arrival?

She thinks that it just a relative and doesn't really care that someone has arrived.
Character Study- Shylock so Far:

Make a list of the insults and names Shylock has been called in the text so far. 

Find lines/quotes in the text that show Shylock’s hurt, his rage, his loneliness. 

Do you think he cares more about losing the ducats or his daughter? Give evidence to support your thinking. 

Shylock is powerless to get back his daughter or his ducats but Antonio is now in his power. Find the first mention of revenge. Do you think his thoughts of revenge are justified, give reasons? 

A3S1 lines 54-62. What sentiment is Shylock trying to express here, do you find sympathy for him here?

Choose one ‘Hath not..’ quote and explain it.

28/03/18 Act Three, Scene One

Why does Shylock assume Solanio and Salerio know of Jessica’s flight?
Because they are friends of Antonio.
What is the second suggestion of misfortune for Antonio- find a quote.#
“Dear Bassanio, my ships have all been wrecked. My creditors are getting mean. My money’s almost run out. I couldn’t pay my debt to the Jew on the due date. Since I’ll certainly die when he takes his collateral out of my flesh, all debts are cleared between you and me if I can just see you again before I die. In any case, do what you want. If your affection for me doesn’t convince you to come, don’t let my letter do so.”
Who has been looking for Lorenzo and Jessica, how do we know?
Tubal Because he's been talking about it to Shylock.
Where do Shylock and Tubal arrange to meet and with what purpose?
A place where jews meet up and worship their god.

Act Three, Scene Two

Why does Portia want Bassanio to delay his choice?Because Antonio has asked for him to come see him before his pound of flesh is taken.
What makes Bassanio choose lead over the silver and gold caskets?, find the quotes in the text to support your thinking.
You can’t always judge a book by its cover-Gold casket
And I’ll have nothing to do with the pale silver either, the metal that common coins are made of -Silver Casket
What does Portia’s speech A3S2 L166-174 reveal about the expected roles of a woman in marriage?
Portia-Everything I am and everything I have now belongs to you. 
Mostly that she shall be there in his need and she will learn a new thing while they are in a marriage.
 Gratiano’s and Nerissa’s wish to marry depend on?
Portia as she is Nerissa queen.
How does Portia know that the letter contains bad news?
Because she could tell that  Saleiro was really sad.
What help does Portia offer straightaway?
Her money as she would double the amount of money Antonio owed.
Why do we not expect this help to be successful?
Because Shylock would rather torture him then let Antonio be free.
Do you think Portia would still be in love with Bassanio if she knew he had lied about his wealth?
Yes as she loved him for him and not his worth.


Act Three, Scene Three:
Antonio is now convinced that he knows the reason for Shylock’s insistence on claiming his bond. What is it, use a quote from the text to support your answer?
Antonio-Let him alone.I’ll follow him no more with bootless prayers He seeks my life. His reason well I know.I oft delivered from his forfeitures Many that have at times made moan to me.Therefore he hates me.
Why can the Duke not ‘deny the course of law’ according to Antonio?
Because its the law and its a threat to the security of all foreign  in the merchant of Venice
What does Antonio seem resigned to his fate? What two important realizations is this based on? Use lines 8, 21-24, 26-31 to help you.
1.Antonio-I’ve often given money to people who were unable to pay back their loans to him
2.Antonio-I won’t follow him around with useless pleas anymore
Do you think Antonio’s feelings towards Bassanio have changed since the beginning, why?
Yes because I think that since they aren't in the same country he thinks that Bassanio has lost trust in him.
Shylock refuses to consider the idea of Mercy but demands Justice. Consider the following ideas:
Is mercy the same as forgiveness?
In some ways, it can be but in others it cant.
Is it easier to show mercy or look for revenge?
To look for revenge.
Is justice the same as fairness?
Like I said it can be and sometimes it cant be.
Is true justice possible in this case?
In Shylock eyes, it is but in other it is now.

Act One: Can Do Tasks:
Vocabulary Find the meanings of the following words: Venture, Vessel, Signior, Mortifying, Profound, Exhortation, Virtuous and Squandered.
Venture: To make a risky, Or daring journey.
Vessel: Is a ship or a large boat.
Signior: Is an Italian man of a high rank.
Mortifying: Is to feel ashamed or embarrassed
Profound: Something very great or intense
Exhortation: An address or communication emphatically urging someone to do something.
Virtuous: Having or Showing high morals
Squandered: Reckless with money 

Research- This story is set in Italy in the cities of Venice and Belmont. Create a digital guide of the cities. Make sure to give interesting facts about the locations, places to see and things to do.


Act Three, Scene Four

What is Lorenzo’s opinion of Antonio?

That he is a very faithful man.
What does Portia tell Lorenzo she intends to do?
To send a small amount of cash over to her husband and Antonio.
What does she ask Lorenzo and Jessica to do for her and why?
To look after the house so she can wait for Bassionio to get back.
Why does Portia think Antonio and Bassanio must be alike?
Because they are best friends and must have the same traits.
Why do Portia and Nerissa intend to travel dressed as men?
So they are disguised and their husbands do not notice they are traveling.
In A3S4 L 60-78, how does Portia describe behavior and attitudes of young men?
So she was saying that they show off and lie to impress people

Does it seem likely that Portia is going to follow the expected behavior of a wife?
Kinda because she is a very nice person and powerful towards people.

Act Three, Scene Five

In his jokey conversation with Jessica, why is Launcelot against the conversion of Jews to Christianity?
Because the price of pork will go up.And he believes that they shouldn't be able to get married.
What is Jessica’s opinion of Portia?
Jessica describes portia like a goddess.

Act Four, Scene One
What does the Duke believe Shylock intends to do?
I believe that duke knew that shylock would not show mercy.Because from the beginning he didn't show it so why would he.
What does Shylock intend to do, and what reasons does he give for his decision?
At first, he intended to get the flesh and not show mercy but there was something he forgot to add which was he forgot to say that he could have Antonio blood.
Why must the law be allowed to stand (why can’t the judge dismiss this case)
Shylock is very clear about the restrictions in the wording of the deed, how does Portia use these loopholes?
Because Shylock had forgotten to put down he was aloud blood of Antonio but Portia used it against him.
What penalties does Shylock now have to pay? Are they fair? Why/why not.
He must become Christian, in my opinion, no it is not fair.Why? because that's what he believes in no one should take the right for what he believes in a way.
How do Lorenzo and Jessica gain by the result?
Relief because now the father must believe in their relationship and they gain he money when Shylock dies
What reward has Portia claimed and why is this significant?
Bassanio ring because he told Portia that he would never give the ring away but he did, therefore, she can use it against him because he didn't keep his word.
Portia tells Shylock ‘The quality of mercy is not strained’. How does she try to persuade Shylock to show mercy, how much mercy is she willing to show him (line 345-362)
A lot because he didn't show it why should Antonio?.

Act Four Scene One

A4S1 L 70-80. Antonio gives us three short images of how useless any attempt by Bassanio to save his life will be
What are they?
One is that if the mother asked the wolf not to eat her baby he wouldn't listen.The other is you might as well ask tree not to move as the wind come through them.And lastly, it is impossible to ask the ocean to be smaller.
What do they tell us about one of Shakespeare's interests
That their is no reason why you should argue with someone who you know won't show mercy.
Do you think this is an effective way of demonstrating the problem?
Yes but no at the same time.Why because there are other ways that.People that show mercy you could help them find a way show them.
Each example is an extreme and impossible, what influence does this have on how you expect the rest of the scene to develop.
Alot because at this point Antonio thinks he gonna die.
A4S1 L90-100, Shylock uses vivid comparisons when he wants to make a point.
What example does he use to illustrate the fact that the pound of flesh is his: ‘tis mine and I will have it’
That everyone has slaves and they dont let them have nice thing he alspo compared them not letting their slaves marry their children why because they are your is basically what he is tryin to say.
It is much longer comparison than the three used by Antonio but do you think it is more striking/effective/convincing?
I think its more convinceing towards shylock to get his revenge.

Act Four, Scene Two
What invitation does Portia refuse and why?
To dinner because she needs to get home before the men do.
What does Nerissa plan to get, why do you think this is important?
The ring to see if Grationo is loyal and has not given away his ring

Do you admire Portia after these scenes, or do you find her actions cruel? Use examples to support your thinking. 
I actually admire her after these scenes surprisingly I liked how she was brave enough to defend Antonio honour even though she did have a go at Bassanio for not having the ring when got back I understand that she was mad.

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