
Thursday 29 March 2018

Word vomit

Word vomit!!!
As my arms started to hurt from typing on my computer.I decided to read a book.Suprinsly it had this big zoo that I explored in.There was an angry bear that hadn't been feed but this little girl decided to give him something to eat so she went and bought a lollipop.But when she through the lollipop over the fence the bear didn't want it.She thought to her self maybe he was sad so she left him in peace.

Wednesday 28 March 2018

Music Reflection

Music Reflection

You're welcome - From Moana. 

What is the song about?
It's about Maui saying what he has done and saying to Moana that she welcome for everything she did.
What is difficult about singing this song?
The timing of the song.
How are you feeling about your performance? `
Pretty good right now its just some people aren't helping with the act.

2. The story of Maui

Who is Maui? 
Maui is a demi-god in Maori culture who helped with a lot of stuff.

Musical links

Mean girls
Mean girls are, in short, bullies who target other women in this movie they are targeting a new girl that goes to their school.
School of Rock
Dewey Finn loves rock and roll. He is the consummate fan who knows every worthwhile group and song. 
When the newly-crowned Queen Elsa accidentally uses her power to turn things into ice to curse her home in infinite winter, her sister Anna teams up with a mountain man, his playful reindeer, and a snowman to change the weather condition.
Spongebob Squarepants
SpongeBob SquarePants is an American animated television series
Heathers: The Musical is a rock musical with music, lyrics, and books

Tuesday 27 March 2018

Science experimtent

 Science experiment

Aim: To separate the different pigments in inks or dyes using paper chromatography.

Equipment: Test tubes, Felts, Tube racks, Paper

1.Cut the paper into strips.
2.Put small circles near the bottom of the paper like 2 centimeters up with a felt.
3.Fill the test tube with about a cm of water.
4.Then place the piece of paper in the test tube and hang a bit of the paper off the side.
5. Then finally let the water absorb the felt.

Observation: Well firstly I saw the water run up the paper and absorbed the colour and finally reach two different colour as it was green then went to yellow and blue.

Science Experiment

Separating a mixture using Distilatiom

Aim:To separate a soltue from a solvent in a solution useing disltiation.

Equipment: A solution of saltwater, Conical flask, heatproof mat, a delivery tube and bung, Bunsen burner, Tripod, gauze mat, retort stand, boss head, and clamp, boiling tube

1. Set up the equipment as shown in the diagram.
2. Add proximity 50ml of coke to your conical flask.
3.Light your bunsen burner open the air hole and gently push the bunsen burner under the tripod.
4.Heat the solution until most of the solvent has been evaporated.Turn off your bunsen burner.

Observation: I watched how some bits of the coke came out as if it was water.

Thursday 22 March 2018

Word Vomit/Week 8

Word Vomit
As I imagine a world with a different society I wondered what it would be like to be an apple getting eaten by somebody and then just thrown away I wondered what it would be like to see the body from the inside.Then I started wondering how boring it could be to be a math book just sitting there waiting for you to get used and being lonely with nobody to talk to and getting ripped up and thrown away.I also imagined what it would be like to be a Rabbit and what it felt like to hop around a lot and hide underneath the ground and what it felt like for somebody to cover my hole.That I claimed as my territory.But then I got this crazy Idea as if I was a crayon I wonder if it could hear or if it couldn't I wondered if you could see or couldn't maybe their way of communicating is to get drawn with but what happens when it breaks I guess I'll never know.But then I stopped and thought what it would be liked to be an oar interesting I guess but it would be a bit boring I wondered I mean wouldn't you get tired just gliding through the water but with all of these I wonder knowing that it couldn't happen But you could still imagine as if it would be a journey to know all of these wonders I mean when you daydream you can think off a lot of different things.

Wednesday 21 March 2018


Writing goals

My writing goals for this year are too at least get a Level 5 on all off my writing For the Rubric Score.

What am I learning?
Right now I am learning to understand Shakespeare.

How will these goals help our learning?
They will help us to understand more mature writing in the future and having a common sentence towards learning and being able to write basically.

What am I wondering?
Right now I'm wondering how I didn't understand what the writing eastle was about.

Tuesday 20 March 2018

Science Experiment

Super saturation Experiment

Aim: To form a crystal from a supersaturated solution.

Equipment: Test tubes, Bunsen burner, Heat mat, Test tube tongs.

1.Gently heat the test tubes until it becomes liquid.
2.Place in test tube rack for 30 minutes
3.Wait for the magic ingredient.

Observation: We observed that it went from ice to liquid.And then back to the ice.

Discussion:  We discussed the changeing off the Liquid.

Friday 16 March 2018

Science Experiments

Making a Dilution Series

Aim: To make a dilution series to investigate concentration.

Equipment: A potassium permanganate crystal, six large test tubes, tweezers, a plastic transfer pipette, a test tube rack, 10 ml measuring cylinder

1. Place six test tubes in a test tube rack. Label the rack with numbers 1-6 
2.Using the measuring cylinder, Fill test tube 1 with 10 ml of water.Fill the remaining test tubes with 5 ml of water.
3.Using your tweezers, add a single crystal of potassium permanganate to test tube one.
4.Gently shake the test tube until the crystal has dissolved.
5.Using the transfer pipette, Carefully remove exactly 5ml from test tube 1 and pour it into the test tube.
6.Rinse the transfer pipette thoroughly to ensure that no purple solution remains.
7. Gently shake test tube two and repeat the transfer process, Transferring exactly 5 ml of solution from test tube 2 to test tube 3.
8. Rinse the pipette again and repeat the transfer to test tubes 4,5 and 6.

Observation: As I was observing the color changing one by one I noticed that the color was getting weaker.

Discussion: We discussed the changing of the colors and how everything changed about the experiment.

Thursday 15 March 2018

Social Studies

Social Studies
LO: To be able to understand what to do when working with maps.

Do Now:
1)  What does social studies mean/What is it about ?
 It about the history or different community And most important are people. 
2)  What are we learning about this term ?
We are learning about our community,Or what is a  community.

3) Current event,Anything that happened in the world ? 
Waitangi day.

Do Now
1.What is the acorganam we need to remember when doing a graph ?

2. What is the acronym we need to remember when doing mapping ?

3.Why do we need an even scale when doing Graphing ?
We need an even scale so thats its even for when we do scaling so that nothing gets mixed up and you can line it up with the numbers so it's accurate.

4. Current Event
There was a cyclone 

1.How to write an paragraph ?

2. A bit about myself
Kia ora my name Sharleze and I like to play netball .Why because I like to keep active during winter and the year. An example of how I keep active is by playing sport.That's why I like to play netball to keep active during the year.

Do now
1.What do we use to  structure our paragraphs ?

2.Why do we need a statement ?
We need a statement to know what we are talking about and so it easier to read about.

3.What does the word culture mean to you ?
To me culture means alot example my history my family,Tradition.

1.What is a crest ?
A crest is like a logo.

2.Current Event?
Valentine day yesterday

3 Traditions (Me & Ava)
Hangis,21st,Calling family by middle names,Marae,Unveilings,Reunions

Do now:
1)What does tradition mean?
Something that people celebrate together or all do is a family.

2)Give an example of a Tradition?
So when one of my family members die we all go to a marae and stay for 3 or more day it normally on Tuesday,Wednesday and Thursday.

3)Name a current event?
Cyclone Gita

Do Now

1)Name 5 different areas in which we can express or show our family culture/traditions. 

2) What does Migration mean to you?
Somebody that has moved to another country willingly.

3)Have you migrated?
No iv always live in New Zealand.

4)Name a current event
Cyclone Gita

Do now

1)What do you think migration is ?
Someone that move to a different country.

2) What do migrants bring to NZ ?
 Big numbers.

3) What's the difference between  immigration and emigration ?
Entering a country living their or staying for awhile 

4) Current event ?



1.What you have done or been working on?
In the past couple off weeks Me and my group have been fousing on our slide for our culture.The slide help people in our class discover and Understand what we eat , Celebrate , Curency And history.I have also lear about new religioun and celebration about everbody.I have enjoyed working with some  of the people in my group as I normally would not work with them.

2.What  you have learnt about your cultrual group?
I have learnt alot about people in our class and In my group all though I did know most off the stuff in my group it was cool to know about some off their history and belongings .

Wednesday 14 March 2018




Who wrote the musical?
Winnie Holzman
What is it about?
The story centers on Elphaba, the misunderstood, smart, and fiery girl of emerald-green skin who grows up to become the notorious Wicked Witch of the West and Galinda, the beautiful, blonde, popular girl who grows up to become Glinda the Good Witch of the South.

Add a link from the show?

Jesus Christ Superstar 

Who wrote the musical?
Andrew Lloyd Webber
Tim Rice
What is it about?
 It depicts political and interpersonal struggles between Judas Iscariot and Jesus that are not present in the Bible.

Add a link to a song from the show

Tuesday 13 March 2018

Science Experiment

Aim: To investigate the solubility of baking soda ( Sodium hydrogen carbonate) and table salt 
( sodium chloride) to see which is the most soluble in water.

Equipment: 250 ml,Teaspoon,Salt,Baking soda, Copeper oxide.

1.Fill the beaker with water
2 Add a scoop of baking soda
3.Stir the solution until all of the baking soda had dissolved.
4.Repeat the steps again but stir until it hasn't dissolved but do it with all three Baking soda, Salt, And copper oxide.
5.Record how many teaspoons off all it took to not dissolve.

Baking soda-5
Copper oxide-0

Discussion: When I put the baking soda in the beaker and stirred it around the first couple times it would dissolve and then I started adding more to one point it wouldn't dissolve same with the salt.


This experiment showed that some solutes are more soluble than others in a solvent such as water.

Friday 9 March 2018

Science Experiment

Making A Copper Sulfate Salt

Aim: To produce copper sulfate salt by reacting copper oxide with an acid

Equipment: Copper oxide powder, dilute sulfuric acid, measuring cylinder, 2x 100mL beakers, bunsen burner, tripod, gauze mat, funnel, filter paper, thermometer, spatula, evaporating basin, stirring rod.

1.Add 20mL of sulfuric acid to a 100mL beaker. Heat to 70degrees. Turn off your bunsen.

2.Once heated, use a spatula to add pea-sized portions of copper oxide. Stir for 30secs

3.Repeat step 2 until no more dissolved.

4.Fold filter paper and place in a funnel. Place the funnel in the second beaker.

5.Make sure your first beaker is cool enough to hold and then pour it into the funnel. Gently swirl and allow to filter through.

6.Rinse the beaker and fill with 50mL of water and place on a tripod. 

7.Place evaporating basin on top of the beaker and pour some solution in.

8.Gently heat until the solution has reduced by half.

9.Take off heat and allow to cool.

Results and Discussion:When I was observing the second step I notice that the color started to get darker and as we got more into the experiment  the experiment we were doing started to get lighter  but to be honest I don't really remember what happened but when I came back to school it had turned into a light blue colour and into some sort of crystals.

Conclusion: This experiment involved dissolving a solute in a solvent to create a solution. 

Monday 5 March 2018

Home Economics

Home Economics

Savory cases: Last week we made some savory cases that included spaghetti, cheese, onion, corn, and bread.In my group were Cortney and Jaleel.This Practical was to learn how to be able to know where places are and doing a simple task.During cooking or baking.
1.What is Bacteria?
It's a harmful virus that can start a Poisoning disease.

2.What do Bacteria need to survive?
Food, Oxygen, Moisture, Temperature, Time And PH

3.Give three examples of how we avoid spreading bacteria?
1.Firstly wash your hands after playing something or doing your nails.
2.Secondly, don't leave stuff out after two hours.  
3.Thirdly  tie your hair up

Measuring lessons

Dry ingredients-When measuring dry ingredients you should always level it off with the back of a knife.So all around its even
Image result for measuring ingredients
Liquids-In a Tablespoon or teaspoon always fill it to the top until it levels. If you measure in a measuring mug make sure It leveled with the exact measurements.

Brown sugar-Pat it down with your fingers, then measure it with the back of a knife.

Click this line below to learn more

P.E 2018 9Hh


Athletics training

Discuss-13.1 m
Long jump-1.8m 