Home Economics
19/02/18Savory cases: Last week we made some savory cases that included spaghetti, cheese, onion, corn, and bread.In my group were Cortney and Jaleel.This Practical was to learn how to be able to know where places are and doing a simple task.During cooking or baking.
1.What is Bacteria?
It's a harmful virus that can start a Poisoning disease.
2.What do Bacteria need to survive?
Food, Oxygen, Moisture, Temperature, Time And PH
3.Give three examples of how we avoid spreading bacteria?
1.Firstly wash your hands after playing something or doing your nails.
2.Secondly, don't leave stuff out after two hours.
3.Thirdly tie your hair up
Measuring lessons
Dry ingredients-When measuring dry ingredients you should always level it off with the back of a knife.So all around its even

Liquids-In a Tablespoon or teaspoon always fill it to the top until it levels. If you measure in a measuring mug make sure It leveled with the exact measurements.
Brown sugar-Pat it down with your fingers, then measure it with the back of a knife.
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Measuring lessons
Dry ingredients-When measuring dry ingredients you should always level it off with the back of a knife.So all around its even

Liquids-In a Tablespoon or teaspoon always fill it to the top until it levels. If you measure in a measuring mug make sure It leveled with the exact measurements.
Brown sugar-Pat it down with your fingers, then measure it with the back of a knife.
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