
Friday 22 November 2019

Ideal World for English

 Sharleze (myself) and Cortney Ideal world Ideas:
Cures for cancer
Unicorns come alive
Peace within wars
No homeless or less of them
Clean environments
Clean corals
Clean waterways
Tall buildings like New York
Eat and pick your size
Cheap home
Cheap flight
Full cultures
Everybody feel loved
Cheaper clothes
Cures for diseases
No world hunger
Cheap medical care
No racism
Plant-based bad drugs e.g Weed/ Tabbaco, Still aloud medical drugs only

Treaty Of Waitangi Essay

In 1830 there were 100,000 Māori and 200 Europeans living in New Zealand. The behaviour of the Whalers, the Missionaries’ desire to help protect Māori rights and the Musket Wars were reasons that a treaty was needed. The Declaration of Independence was another contributing factor to the need for a treaty.

One reason that a treaty was needed was the lawless behaviour of some of the British Settlers like whalers. This is really important for Maori and Whalers so that there was less Violence between the nations and the whalers would act more responsible, respectful and at harmony with Maori. For example, There were up to 200 whalers in the 1830s that would be at sea for months at a time and when they would come back to shore in Pororarika now known at port Russel they would look for a way to relax, which meant that they would drink and introduced Porstuiton also this had lead to the  starting off diseases that Maori had never seen. This begins to give Maori and missionaries a major concern. However more and more whalers came in the 1840s setting up in different places of New Zealand which had lead to more things. This is why they needed a treaty between Maori and whalers In New Zealand.

Another reason that a treaty was needed was to protect Māori rights. One group that felt strongly about this was the missionaries. This is because the missionaries had the best interest in the Maori community. This can be shown when the missionaries had shown Maori new technology such as gardening, writing and reading in Maori. Also, this could be seen when the Missonaire becomes concerned about when the whalers had come to shore at Pororika and been disrespectful to the land and introducing diseases and Prostitution. Lastly, they also fought for the Maori to have rights across the land. And here is why missionaries had the best interest for Maoris.

Another reason that a treaty was needed was the Musket Wars. Before the musket was introduced to Maori they would fight with Taiaha and mere (Taiaha is made out of wood and Mere out of greenstone). However, when the muskets had been introduced which was traded with food in return of muskets, It had been first traded with iwis at the top of the north island one of the iwis first introduced was Nga Puhi. This had given Nga Puhi power over other iwis at wars so they had a better chance of winning with the muskets in wars and that’s is what happened Nga Puhi struck at other Iwis with the musket which made more and more iwis forced to be in the trade with British and got bigger and bigger. Because of the muskets introduced to Maori when the wars were over, there were estimated to be over 20,000 people killed. Musket wars was a very very tragic thing and there was a need for a treaty and should have never ever been introduced and it ended up with thousands of people dead which is a tragic era.

The final reason that a treaty was needed was the existence of the Declaration of Independence.
What’s your opinion on the treaty?. Truthfully, I think the declaration of independence arrangement was better than the Treaty of Waitangi. This is because it gave Maori the mana and rangatiratanga over the land which was not good for the British as they wanted the power, Also New Zealand was known as an independent country under the united tribes of NZ which the declaration gave them and gave Maori tribes the right to be involved of the laws and arrangement of NZ with British. Lastly, the king was asked to guard over NZ as a protector. But in the treaty of Waitangi, the rangatiratanga of Maori over land was not allowed as it was in Britsh favour, not Maori. The declaration of independence gave the Maori more power which was a good thing, The declaration agreement was BETTER!!.

This essay has demonstrated that a treaty was needed. This can be shown in Paragraph 1,2,3 and four with my points and examples. I have learnt alot over the course of this topic from what the treaty actually meant too why was one needed. Which was because power was needed for the British over the land and Maori, Which is personally such a stupid thing for Maori and smart thing to do for British, I just think Maori did not need a treaty and was willing by themselves. This resulted in what can see in today, tomorrow and the future.

Friday 1 November 2019

Social Studies

What does the graph show us?
The graph shows the number of  Europeans and Maori people in New Zealand during the years 1836-1901. At the start, you see Maori have the most people with 100k during the years from 1836-1841 than the Maori people start dying down 1846 downwards, However, the Europeans started coming with more and more people from 1846 onwards. So what might've happened?

Why do you think the numbers of Maori decreased?
I think that the reason the number of Maori people was going down was that there were alot of wars between Maori tribes and also between the Europeans for land.

Why do you think the numbers of Europeans changed?
The number of Europeans would've increased from the Europeans going to England and letting people know about New Zealand and recruiting people for a new life.



Friday 18 October 2019

Te Tiriti O Te Waitangi

Discuss the idea of Mythology/stories in religion, and the role myths and stories play in society?

I think that people believe the Idea of myths and stories as it signifies/supports them with providing an understanding of life and the ¨creation¨ of earth, Also it may give them a purpose for growth and development.

What similarities are there between the myths and stories of Màori and the first British Missionaries?
They both provided for there community
They both believed that there was a god or many
They both prayed/Karakia

     Why would difference between Màori beliefs and English beliefs cause conflict?

Because they both had diverse beliefs in purpose as in Maori were taught to be fierce and allow violence, However, the missionaries would not allow violence, Also there could be conflict in how Maori believe that there were many gods and missionaries believe that there was only one. Which could result in the missionaries feeling mad, frustrated, annoyed and confused.

     Create a poster on one of the Maori gods:

Monday 23 September 2019

Marshmellow Catapult

 Aim: To make a catapult that will work.

What we want to happen: 
  • We want to be able to make a catapult
  • Calculate the speed it is flying at
  • Have a competition who can make the best one
  • Whos can go the farthest and fastest
  • Who can catch the most marshmallows
It will create 1 catapult 
  • Popsicle sticks-10ish
  • Rubber bands- 5ish
  • Plastic bottle cap-1
  • Something to catapult-We used marshmallows
  • Hot glue
  • Plastic cups-4

Marshmallow (Amount)
Test 1
Test 2
2m 28cm
2m 11cm
1m 71cm
1m 22cm
1m 40cm
1m 23cm
Test 1: In this chart off test one you will be able to observe the blue line which outlines how many marshmallows are used, whereas the red line signifies the distance of how far the marshmallows have gone. Considering you can see from this chart the distance of the marshmallow drops as the number of marshmallow increases.

Test 2: In this 2nd chart you will see the blue line which basically outlines how many marshmallows have been used, whereas the red line is the distance of how far the marshmallows went, You can see from this chart the distance of the marshmallows will decrease as the number of marshmallow increases. However, unlike test 1 the distance has decreased faster and stays at the same distance for a while but right at the end, it goes up a bit.

Pictures of the experiment:

Friday 6 September 2019

English speech reflection

In my speech I spoke about the thoughts I had during a time somebody compliments me, And why I dont beileve them.I was really proud of myself because the speach was from the heart and really personal to me.One of my hardest challenges during the speech were that I was very nervous about preforming my speech but once I started I became more confident and flew through it.Next time I would slow down my speech and maybe make it a bit longer so it would fit into the time limit.

Thursday 29 August 2019

Stone Age Artwork

Image result for Stone age art workImage result for Stone age art work

Whainga Ako; Illustrate knowlage of srone age art.

Why and how did they make the art?
They decorated walls of protected caves with paint made from dirt or charcoal mixed with spit or animal fat, And paint spraying, accomplished by blowing paint through hollow bones, yielded a finely grained distribution of pigment, similar to an airbrush.They did this so it was something to do in their free time. To record their existence and lives, to tell a story through paintings. Some people believe it was even to successfully hunt the animals they drew.

Where is it found?
 Stone Age art are found in caves.

My Stone Age Art

My art work was about people hunting for food and fur, This can be shown thourgh the people having spear and other wood tools in there hand while a rhino was focusing on somthing else.

Tuesday 30 July 2019

Careers Research

Careers Research
Carrer: Automotive Mechanic

For the next two weeks in social studies we are learning about careers, In this unit, we are assigned jobs mine is an automotive mechanic, We learn how to budget our money and spend it wisely with the amount of money we are given a year/month.

Monday 22 July 2019

English: Another World-Diversity

In the last two terms of english, we have been learning about "Another World", Meaning that we have been learning from other people perspectives as well as our own. We have seen a variety of perspectives and values of people lives from films and books such as Zootpia, Avatar the last air bender, Glee and the book of "The Children of blood and bone". This has been teaching us how to deal with these challenges as if they were our own challengers. I have learned so many stuff through the topic of "Another World". It has changed my understanding of people and the way I use to think and act. One major thing I have learned over the year is the word 'Diversity' and it's meaning. What diversity means to me is to understand people as an individual and accept them as who they are and what they believe whether I believe it is right or wrong, It has also taught me how to be kinder towards people because we don't know what everyone has been through.

Friday 5 July 2019

Children of Blood and Bone Essay

Image result for children of blood and boneEveryone deserves to have their values and opinions whether you think there bad or not?. In the book Children of blood and bone written by Tomi Adeyemi, A memorable idea is everyone is an individual. I will be showing this idea from three different chapters including Chapter 3 - Amari, Where Amari remembers her father warnings, Chapter 41 – Inan, When he realizes that he wants to make a better Orisha, Chapter 49-Amari, When she gets a flashback and comes to realisation and lastly chapter 59-Zelie, When Zelie explains to Amari and Inan about their father.

A very memorable idea from the book in Children of blood and bone is seeing everyone as an individual. This is shown in chapter 41 where Inan realise that he needs to make a better place for the community. ̈ ̈My duty has always been to my kingdom, but it must be for a better Orïsha. A new Orïsha ̈. You can see in this chapter that he becomes more independent mentioning that, ̈it must be for a better Orïsha. A new Orïsha ̈. Even without the permission from his father the one person he had obeyed by from birth, He realises that what his father wants for him and his kingdom is something that he would like to change into a new direction. I believe that this type of situation can happen in the real world from the smallest of situations such as not being a bystander and stand with your opinion and values as an individual.

Another chapter showing the same Idea seeing everyone as an individual, Is in chapter 49 when Amari sees her father reminding her and enforcing the idea that maji are evil and dangerous people that maji are the ones to fear.  ̈Strike, Amari.Father’s face returns. Hard. Unforgiving. This is what I warned you about. If we don’t fight, these maggots will be our end ̈. But the thing is that Amari is to kind hearted and knows that what her father was enforcing isn't what she had been experiencing she said that, ̈I cannot be like father. The maji are not my enemy ̈. She knows as an independent girl that what her father had been doing was wrong and tearing families apart.

Lastly, I see the same idea of how seeing everyone as an individual. This can be shown in chapter 59 where Zelie said that Inan and Amari father had been“Misguided, but his fear is justified. All the monarchy’s ever seen is the destruction maji can bring. They’ve never experienced anything like this ̈. This just shows how Zelie can see their father as an individual and see what he's been through rather than just judging that he hated them for no reason and he was thought and believed that the Maji and Diviners were horrible people. This can be compared to real life how people may judge people on how they show their values because of an event that might have occurred. This could be solved by if people wouldn't judge others and actually ask why they may think like this.

Over the last three paragraphs I have been trying to use keywords from my introduction quote, ̈Everyone deserves to have their values and opinions whether you think there bad or not?¨. Such as learning to see people as individuals and respect each other's values and opinions. This can be shown from the quote I used in the last paragraph where Zelie say that Amari and Inan father had been “Misguided, but his fear is justified. All the monarchy’s ever seen is the destruction maji can bring. They’ve never experienced anything like this ̈. She sees him as an individual whether she believes that his opinion on maji and diviners are wrong or right but can understand where he's coming from.

Thursday 21 March 2019


Sonia Terk Delaunay 

Born: 14 November 1885, Hradyzk, Ukraine

Died: 5 December 1979, Paris, France

Work: Artist

Two Facts about Sonia Terk Delaunay

1. She spoke four languages:
Near the time she was 18 she spoke Russian, French, German and English.

2. She didn't like Matisse or Picasso
According to the artist, Matisse was 'too weak, too bourgeois' and Picasso 'always looked unhealthy'.

A minor Cubist art movement focusing on pure abstraction and bright colors.

Michael Mew

What I Have Been Learning?
For the past couple of weeks, our art class have been focusing on Michael mew work and learning about the techniques he used such as the focal point, Leading lines, Colors, and textures all into one piece of art he would create.

What I Have Been Doing?
For the last week or so we have been creating our own piece of art using the techniques Michael mew used. Next to this text is my piece of art I created, I used the Mohua bird as my focal point and used green lines as my leading line as you can see I also added a light in the top right to bring the art together than in the background I used blue and brown because it went with my leading lines.

Why Use The Mohua bird?
I used the Mohua bird because I think it is a beautiful bird that should be shown more in artworks.

Monday 11 March 2019

How to draw a DNA Molecule

Note: You could also use my steps on the right of my drawing for a simple version of how to draw a DNA molecule.

Equitment:Pencil, paper and colouring pencils

Aim: To draw a simple and easy DNA molecule.

1. Draw one swirly line doing as many as 3-6 turns Than outline the swirly line.

2. Repeat the first step, Just opposite the first step of lines.

3. In between the opposing lines in the circles draw 3-5 lines so basically 6-12 because you want it to me opposite lines.

4. Then in the in-between lines add a little | so it makes to little boxes.

5. Then fill the lines in step 1 and 2 with blue.

6. In the inner lines or boxes in step 3 and 4,  In every second line color green in the left side and yellow on the right till you have done every second line.

7. Do the same as step six just color the ones that you have not colored
in with red on the left side and orange on the right, And there you are a simple and easy DNA molecule.

Observation: While drawing the DNA molecule  I found it better to use color as it adds to the drawing and really makes it pop.

Conclusion: It is just a simple and easy drawing of a DNA model, And I think looks pretty good.

The video I used to draw my DNA molecule link below

An easy step you could do is :
Not add color and just use the first four steps.
You could also just follow the steps of my piece of paper which I drew on.

What I could do to make it better next time?
1. Add a diagram to show what everything means
2. Try different drawings of DNA molecule using different sites
3. Try a 3d drawing
4. Video me drawing it


What is DNA and What is it make of?: Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), Is made up of repetitive units called nucleotides. DNA  is the same in all living things and can be known as a double helix which is described to look like a twisted ladder. Nucleotides are compromised of sugar and phosphate, These sides are linked up by chemicals called nucleotides bases.  The bases are made up of adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C) and guanine (G) These make pairs of 2 that always go together with A and T and C and G.

What does DNA do?: DNA carries the instructions needed for an organism/offspring to grow, survive and reproduce. To carry out these functions, DNA arrays must be transformed into messages that can be used to produce proteins, which are the complicated molecules that do most of the work in our bodies.

Who discovered DNA?: In the late 1800s, DNA was recognized first by a biochemist named Frederich Miescher. Almost a century later researchers identified the structure of DNA and obtained its central relevance to biology.

What is the DNA double helix?: Scientist uses the term "double helix" to describe DNA's winding, two-stranded chemical structure. This shape - which looks much like a twisted ladder - gives DNA the power to pass along biological instructions with great precision.

If you unraveled all the DNA molecules in your body and placed them end to end, it would stretch to the Sun and back several times.

DNA is organized into structures called chromosomes within the cell.

DNA and RNA are the two types of nucleic acids the code for genetic information.